dimecres, 20 de maig del 2009



What is the illness?
The AIDS is an infectious disease produced by a virus, named VIH.
The first cases were described between the homosexual communities of San Francisco at the beginning of the 80s.
The AIDS virus is present in fluids of the patient besides the blood, such as the saliva, the semen or the secretions.

Where is this illness?
You can find the SIDA in the all world but the place for affect is Africa.

How you take the disease?
Only when the concentration of the virus is sufficiently high the infection takes place.
The contagion of the VIH takes place when the virus enters our current blood one.
The most probable things that can infect you are: the blood transfusions, the drug consummation, the sexual relations, from mother to son....

What are the signs?
The virus acts tremendously slow until manage to become ill.
First we have the flu. We can suffer fever, general discomfort, muscular pains... East attacks of the VIH it takes place throughout months, or years, and during this period we are capable of taking a totally normal life without noticing any symptom.
There comes a moment in which our defences have diminished so much that we start not being capable of facing infections or other processes that would be slightly important for healthy subjects.
First, coetaneous injuries appear as loss of weight or diarrhea.
If the disease advances the first infections start appearing: pneumonias for slightly frequent, chronic diarrhea and major loss of weight …
If they diminish moreover the defenses the infectious problems become increasingly difficult to control and the patient begins to suffer more than one infection simultaneously.
The death comes for one of these infections or for the appearance of tumours. Other times what produces the death is an extreme malnutrition and diarrheas impossible to treat.

What can we do to prevent the illness?
- The use of condoms of latex. Condoms of other materials do not prepare the AIDS. The condom must use an alone time, it throwing at the garbage and using another condom every time.
- To the users of drugs, who do not share needles, and that use a needle new or due sterilized for every injection.


What are the signs?
· Cough and expectoration for more than 15 days
· Weakness and constant weariness
· Loss of weight
· Fever
· Night Sweats
· Pain in the chest
· Cough with blood
· Loss of appetite

What can we do to prevent the illness?
- The infected person must be protected providing that it coughs with disposable handkerchiefs.
- Hand wash after coughing.
- Suitable ventilation of the place of residence.
- To clean the domicile with humid cloths.
- To use mask in common zones.
- To restrict you visit persons not exposed to the disease.
- To guarantee adherence to the treatment.
- To put is vaccinated

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La meva foto
Hi!My name is Laura and I'm 16 years old.My birthday is on 21st November. I like dancing and listening to music.